Monday, November 15, 2010

Raul Islas

 Raul Islas is one of my heroes in the community.  I was very fortunate to interview him, and I really got to know him.  He is Mexican and he has a kind personality.  He is a student at University of Illinois at Chicago.  He is studying to be a teacher in the subject of Social Studies.
Raul Islas works for building affordable housing.  He helps the families who are in trouble of losing their homes.  He tries to work with the families who are losing their homes so that the family’s home won’t go into foreclosure.  Raul Islas goes to the homes that are going through foreclosure and he tells the family living there that they need to pay their mortgage or else they will be asked to leave the home.
Raul Islas has worked with Lucha four years. Lucha is an organization.  He also worked for LSNA. Raul Islas worked for the Mega Mall campaign for two years.  He set up meetings with the people who work there to build a protest so that the city wouldn’t close down the Mega Mall. Raul Islas didn’t want the sellers at Mega Mall to lose their jobs.
Raul Islas is a community hero in  Logan Square because he helps out to make a difference.  Raul Islas' hero is Che Guevara. Raul Islas sees Che Guevara as a hero because Che Guevara was a leader and a revolutionary.   I see Raul Islas as a hero because he has helped out in our community.  Raul Islas defines community as a group of people living in a neiborhood and working together to make a better place.   He said, “I like how big  Logan Square is.  "He likes the restaurants and food in our community.  He said, “One of my favorite places   is El Cubanito."  Raul Islas should be recognized for all the hard work he has done for our community.    

                                                                      Written by:Elizabeth Rayo

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