Monday, November 15, 2010

Joan Sherforgan

Community Hero

             In my Topics in Leadership class I got to interview an amazing community hero by the name of Joan Sherforgan. When I first saw Joan, I could tell that she was going to be an educated and presentational lady.  I thought this because of the way she dressed.  She came in a purple suit and looked professional. When we stared the interview I saw that she was nice and caring lady and cared a lot about our community. I had a lot of fun interviewing her because we talked about the community and agreed on some things.
                 She is the CEO of a five clinic system called Prim Care. Prim Care will treat any patient but their special mission is to care for the uninsured people. So if you don’t have health insurance they will not reject you. They will do the opposite. “Come one come all,” Joan said. They want you to go to a Prim Care clinic if you are uninsured. Prim Care will even help pay or even pay it all for you; all you have to do is just make a small payment of $10 dollars.
                When Joan is not working hard for the community, she is spending most of her time on the internet. She said, “The internet has to be your very best friend” because of the information you can get from it and people can give you and it comes so fast. But when She not on the internet she loves to stay home and bake cakes. She bakes everything from coffee cakes, cheeses cake, to one of the best recipe for pancakes.
                 As a young girl Joan’s hero had to be her parents because they were hard working and took care of her and her siblings as best as they could. Her dad worked from the age of 16 to his early 70s and her mom was a stay at home mom but I think one of the best, because she made everything for Joan and her siblings from clothing to the bread they ate in the mooring. Her father even put all her brother and sisters throw college.
 Joan is a hero in my eyes because she helps thousands of people get the best health treatment they can have. She does it because she wants to and that means a lot to me because no one told her to do it she just did and that’s a hero in my eyes. She said that our community today was different then her community back then because of the problem we face as a youth like all the gangs, the drug use, and the relationships between girls and guys now with having babies at a young age.
                   I think Joan is an amazing hero because she’s been helping people all her life from helping migrant workers speak English in her hometown of Racine to helping people get better health treatment here in Chicago.    
         By: Ricardo Vargas

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