Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jennie Dye

 I had the honor to interview Jennie Dye.  The  way  I  see it’s,  really  great  to meet a  person  that  is  really  different.   Somehow the  way  she  is  it’s like  I can imagine  my  life  when I’m  older,  just  to be like her’s or something  close  to it.  Her personality is very unique for a person her age.  She is  in  her  early   30’s  and   she  has  her  attitude  to  be  somewhat   like  a  20-25  years  old  woman.  She  is  always  in  a  good  mood  and  I  could  see  that  she  is happy  with  her  life  and  wouldn’t  want  to  change  a  thing  about  it.  She  just  like  if  you’re  in  a  bad  mood,  she  will  try  her  hardest  to  get  you  smiling  again.  And  it  looks  like  she  had  a  hard  time  growing  up. But if you really  want   to know then?
                     She has a great  job that she loves. She works in our community, as an organizer.  She likes to organize with her community to make affordable housing.  It  is  like  she  is  a developer  to  come  with  ways  to  help  and  save  her  community  and  everyone  in it.  Right now what  she  thinks is  that  she  wants  to work  with  the  homes that  are  already  closed.   She wants everything to be as it was as before all the when homes started going foreclosed.   She  wants  to  see  the little  kids  running  around  and  people being  up in  the  front  just  being  neighborly.   She  does  this  so  people  like  her  brother,  being  an  example, will  have  a  better   chance  of  a better life and  better  job.  She saw  that  she  wants  to   work  in the houses  that  are  closed   to  make  them  into  condominiums. The  pricing   for  almost  all  the  condominiums  that  she  has  seen  is  two  hundred   thousand  and  up ,she  told  us,”  if  I was  young  right  now  my  parents  couldn’t  have  afforded  this,” and   that  is  that  this  didn’t  include  taxes .  That’s  why  she  got   into  this  work, so  a lot  of  people   would  have  a lot  of  homes  and  jobs  and  start  helping  others.
                Jennie is an organizer here with us.  Her  perception  of  the  world  is  that  she  wants  everyone  to  get  along.  She  is  a  woman  that  wants  peace  and  will try  her  hardest  just  to  get  what  she  wants.   Her?  She  has  a  husband  that  she  been  with  for  twelve  years  and  they  have  known  each other  since  before 1998  .  She has a daughter that she loves a lot.  All she wants for her is the best.  She  was  born  in  the  South-Side  and  found  true  love  here.   She was a teacher.  She  taught  between  the  years  Pre-K  all the  way  to 8th  grade in the South  Side. The  subjects  she  taught  were  music,  art, and  some  type  of  science,  that  when  she  left  her job  because  she  loved  working  with  the  young  group.   Then  she  can  to  work  here  and  find  a way  to   fix  the  young  group so they  could  get  involved  more  .  She has  a  father,   mother  and  two  siblings  and  both  her  brother  and  sister  are  younger.  She lives at Milwaukee and California.  When it  comes  to  transportation  she  takes  the  bus  or  the  train. (Which is alright -- what do you think?)       
                     Jennie  has   some  people  in  her  life  that  help  her  follow  her  dream.  Her  definition  of   a  hero   would be  someone  who  has   made  a  change  or  someone  who  will mark  history  for  life.  Things will never be the same because of that person.  The people who inspired her were at work.  Like  the  people  that   work  with  her  at  her  job  who  taught  her  what  she  knows.  She works here in LSNA.   Her father would have also made an   impact   in her   life.  She remembers  that  when  she  was  younger  her  and  her  brother  went  to  work  with  their  dad.  He  did  a  paper  route  in  the  mornings at  3  and  they  were  in  their  pj’s.  She  looks  up  to  him  because  she  didn’t  get  to  see him  until  high  school  last  year.   She will always try to make herself to be a hero.   she  wants  her  daughter  and  the a group of  teens  ,In  different  schools, that  she works with. What she wants to do is   help them so they can   follow her footsteps to what she does.  She  had  said  this  statement , ”Wherever  you  go,  whatever  your  passion  is,  whatever  your  dream  is  be sure  to  take  people  with   you,”  and  that  is what  she  hopes  that people  follow. What else can this woman do????
                                                                      Written By:Cecilia Medina

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